Monday, September 18, 2006

Much awaited direct connection to Internet is resumed..

Without much ado, we came to know that direct connection to internet is working when admin of our DC hub sent pm to all members.
From now onwards, no need of clumsy tunnelling for peer to peer network utilities like torrents, limewire, IRC clients etc. Well, now without tunnelling, everyone tries to download stuff through torrents, so speeds may come down. Thats the dark side.
Well, whatever, from now onwards, browsing is more fun for us.

edit: Well, it would have been fun, if it continued. No longer its working. God knows what happened.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Exam Blues

Exams can be quite nerve racking, if you are really really serious.
Otherwise they can be quite entertaining.
Well, I have a lot of good things to say about my exam days.

You need not attend classes, not to mention tiresome labs.
You can listen to music 24 x 7. You may try all the new genres.
You can go to cheddis everyday with your buddies and bhat about how stupid exams are, and how ineffecient your professors are.
You find an excuse to bunk gym.
No need to go for morning/ evening practices.
Well, you may actually learn something!

Well, I end up watching a lots of anime anywayz.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Another stupid update

Melancholy = pensive sadness; mental depression etc.
Point-blank = a close range shot; (of a remark) blunt or direct.

These days I got hooked to linux (fc5). There were many temporary sessions of obsessions with linux with me, but I should say this time its rather stable.I am starting feel stupid about bugging people about every tiny problem without putting a fair effort myself. Well, thats for better.