Friday, August 18, 2006

Vocabulary Update

Here are some new entries. Well, English lang is exciting in a sense that many complex feelings can be concisely expressed in a single word which is otherwise rare to find in other langs.

poach = hunt illegally

grotesque = abnormal and hideous (in size)

deja vu = the experience of thinking a new situation had occurred before

masochist = someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment

importunate = making pressing or persistent requests

truant = one who is absent from school without permission; hooky player

I was looking at word 'protagonist', but couldn't understand its meaining clearly. It has meaning like 'principal character', but I doubt it has broader meaning. Somehow I tend to think that it means arrogant male character!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I treasure those moments!

When we had laughed together,
when I was angry at you after a silly fight,
when we sat side by side just staring into the space,
when we were wondering what we will be doing after few years,
I treasure those moments.
May be we haven't talked much lately,
but I just want to say a few words
"Happy Friendship Day, my dear friend!"
and I am grateful to the God, that I met you.